Jas & Ev

May 21, 2023


First of all, your presence celebrating with us is more than enough. If you want to contribute a gift, we've set up a few options here.

Donate to Our Honeymoon Fund

This fall, we're planning to go on the adventure of a lifetime: a two-week cruise all throughout the Mediterranean! I mean, we'll be in Rome on our 10-year dating anniversary — you couldn't even write that! If you feel like you want to contribute to those future memories, we'd be honored. ❤️

Editor's note: We were totally gonna do a custom Stripe integration here to be fancy, but it seems like maybe they'd treat us like a business? Not worth the gamble 😅

A Few "Nice to Have"s

We feel incredibly blessed, so we don't truly need anything, but here are a few things that have caught our eye.